Money Wisdom & Musings

Here's your source for thoughts and observations on all things financial (and otherwise). Topics can range from tips on your personal well being to the well being of your investments. As always, we welcome your comments and feedback.

Disclaimer: Our blog posts are for informational purposes only and are not to be considered investment, tax, or financial advice. Cornerstone does not and cannot guarantee the accuracy or applicability of any information presented in our blog posts regarding your individual circumstances. Please review your personal situation with your tax and/or financial advisor.

The 2023 Tax Deadline Has Passed…What’s Next?

Posted by Anna Traugh on May 4, 2023
The 2023 Tax Deadline Has Passed…What’s Next?

For many folks, early to mid-April can bring up feelings of stress or worry as the Federal tax deadline approaches. Now that we are past the April 18, 2023 deadline we thought it would be helpful to outline some next steps that individuals can take to ensure they are prepared for applicable next steps.

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Spring Cleaning: Finance Edition

Posted by Sara Casale on March 21, 2023
Spring Cleaning: Finance Edition

Why is that spring feels like such a perfect time of year to tackle messes and get organized? Cultures all over the world have practiced the tradition of spring cleaning for centuries.

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Who Will Take Care of Me When I'm Old?

Posted by on February 28, 2023
Who Will Take Care of Me When I'm Old?

Our passion here at Cornerstone is helping our clients plan their financial future. One key component to discuss is long-term care. It’s easy enough to keep putting the discussion off for “another time”, but as with so many other things, the sooner you start, the more manageable the task is.

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Striving to Shop & Support Local

Posted by Anna Traugh on December 15, 2022
Striving to Shop & Support Local

With the holidays fast approaching, last minute gift-buying is top of mind for many! Cornerstone strives to shop locally and sustainably, when possible, and encourage you to do the same. Portland and Portsmouth offer many unique and hand-crafted gifts that would please anyone on your holiday list.

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Year-End Tax Planning Checklist

Posted by Barry Betters on September 30, 2022
Year-End Tax Planning Checklist

       The end of September evokes multiple reminders for many of us. It is time to get winter clothes out, make sure the leaf blower is working, trade out hiking boots for ski boots, and start preparing for the end of the year. We form many rituals when the seasons change, and I propose adding one more to the list, year-end tax planning. This is not as fun as prepping for the holidays and Winter adventures, but it should help reduce mistakes, minimize panic in the last week of the year, and avoid regrets when you file your tax return the following year.

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State Tax Relief Opportunities

Posted by Mackenzie Arsenault on August 29, 2022
State Tax Relief Opportunities
Cornerstone Financial Planning is continuously looking for ways in which we can support our clients, their families, and our communities. We wanted to share information regarding the new property tax relief program for seniors (65+) in Maine. Whether this applies to you, friends, or family, it is an excellent opportunity to consider.
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Cornerstone named ‘Best for the World Company 2022’

Posted by Christina Traurig on July 27, 2022
Cornerstone named ‘Best for the World Company 2022’

As a proud Certified B Corporation® since 2019, Cornerstone Financial Planning is honored to be selected as one of B Lab’s 2022 Best for the World companies.

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Cornerstone Volunteer Day 2022

Posted by on June 13, 2022
Cornerstone Volunteer Day 2022

Service within our communities is something we value greatly at Cornerstone. Not only do our employees receive paid time to volunteer for the organizations of their choosing, we also participate in a company-wide group volunteer day annually.

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The Importance of Family Meetings

Posted by Anna Traugh on June 1, 2022
The Importance of Family Meetings

I remember being twelve years old and hearing the dreaded announcement that a family meeting had been scheduled for Sunday night. The topic usually had to do with scheduling, summer plans, or random house rules but it always felt like a chore. Now as an adult, I can see the importance of family meetings. They can be a great way to keep lines of communication open and ensure everyone is on the same page.

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Sustainable Investing: Women Left in the Lurch

Posted by Anna Traugh on May 12, 2022
Sustainable Investing: Women Left in the Lurch

An article published in Investment Advisors Spring 2022 issue peaked interest here at Cornerstone, as it focuses on the correlation of women and their increased interest in environmental, social, and governance focused investment strategies. Interest in sustainable or ESG investments has been growing over the years for many reasons such as: supporting important issues like climate change or diversity, best employee practices, and most popularly, investors just wanting to align investments with personal values.

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